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You may be too young to vote, but you have opinions and a voice. Learn about things you care about. Let people know what's important to you!
You are never too young to make a difference
You can be your own best teacher
You have control over your mind and heart
What can you do?
First, ask "What do I care about?"
Then learn about the things that interest you the most.
Don't have a burning passion? Learn something new:
read the newspaper or a book or watch a TED talk or documentary film. Ask lots of questions!
Take action!
Write letters, postcards, and emails to people who have the power to make change happen such as representatives in government.
Volunteer at your local food bank or community garden.
Write a letter or article for a newspaper or your public radio.
Participate in a safe and peaceful protest
Make a poster with your message.
Be inquisitive and creative!
Handmade posters are always best but you can download for free a wide range of posters from Amplifier.
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