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Look What I Did was founded in 2020 during Covid, a pivotal time in history, where self-motivated learning, creative expression, and finding unique ways to connect with others with compassion and generosity, were especially important. The goal of Look What I Did has always been to provide a free and easily accessed resource to people of all ages all over the world.


We provide projects that engage kids (and adults!) in creative problem-solving and artistic expression.


Our projects are distributed in the form of physical kits (where computer access is limited) and online around the world.


We engage people of all ages in community projects. The goal is for "look what I did" to become "look what we did together."


Our make • play • solve • move + share projects provide a framework for sparking imaginative ideas and building confidence. We strive to design projects that do not require expensive or hard-to-find materials. Most of our projects only require a pencil, paper and an open mind! We promote hand drawing and construction over computer time but have videos and YouTube links that help visual learners.


We carefully curate and promote inspiring educational resources that offer free access to museums, literacy, drama, science, film, math, art, and health and fitness.


We encourage participants to:

  • Use the framework of our projects to spark their creative energy 

  • Explore how every day objects can be used in new and creative ways

  • Share by giving someone something they made, sharing a digital photo or video, or participating in our rotating community galleries

  • Make their own art supplies such as ink pads, papers straws, and play dough

  • Use the library and internet as resources 

  • Pass on what they'd learned from the projects to others


Community Sharing & Caring

We have multiple community participation projects that welcome contributions from people of all ages.


Current community projects:

  • Art gallery

  • Exquisite corpse 

  • Community sharing of project ideas and puzzles​


Please contact us if you:

  • You have ideas for projects

  • You are interested in helping to assemble or deliver project kits

  • You're interested in making a donation to help pay for supplies and kit distribution




For projects for younger kids, look for Nigel the koala. Projects include:

What's different?, Play portal, and We Puzzle Together for Tots


Star indicates multi-activity project

  • Facebook
  • Instagram


This website contains links to YouTube videos and other websites. By setting parental controls you can restrict what your child watches. 

Review activities to be sure they are appropriate for your child. Projects vary in difficulty.


We maintain the intellectual property rights on the website content. Use is granted for limited individual use only and not for reproduction or use for financial gain by users.

Contact us for permission for use for additional rights. Resources are for personal, educational, and instructional use only. Many of the illustrations, including Freepik, are sourced through a paid subscription to with licensed use. 


Click here to read about personal privacy, disclaimers, warranties and liabilities, and license to use.


Contact us by email:


© 2024 Patterson Design

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