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Make snow
For those who don't have snow outside, try making non-melting "snow" for your indoor tactile play time. Pack together some snowballs and make Frosty the Snowman or a penguin friend!

make your own snow man!
make your own snow man!

supplies needed to make your own snow
supplies needed to make your own snow

ingredients for make your own snow
ingredients for make your own snow

make your own snow man!
make your own snow man!
Make Snow
Mix 1-1/2 cup baking soda and 1/3 cup white hair conditioner in a bowl. This cool and soft mixture can be pressed into molds or packed into balls. For reuse, store in an air-tight container and add conditioner or water to moisten it if it dries out.
Scarf: fabric (and pin for securing)
Top hat: paper, scissors, and glue (school glue or glue gun)
Arms: stiff twine or small twigs
Face: carrot, beads, buttons

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