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pig latin
Pig Latin is a made-up language in which words in English are altered according to this rule: take the first consonant of an English word, move it to the end of the word and add "ay." For example, "Pig" becomes "igP-ay." The originals of Pig Latin are unknown. Contrary to its name, it does not reference Latin and pigs don't speak it.
Take the first letter, move it to the end of the word, add "ay" to the end. For instance "Cat" becomes "at-C-ay" and "Dog" becomes "og-D-ay."
For words with two consonants, move them both. For example "Play" becomes "ay-Pl-ay."
For words beginning with a vowel, add "-way" to the end. For example "At" becomes "At-way" and "Is" becomes "Is-way."
"Hello" translates to "ello-H-ay"
"Cat" translates to "at-Cay"
"Friend" translates to "iend_Fr-ay"
"Play" translates to "ay-Pl-ay"
"Game" translates to "ame-G-ay"
"Puzzle" translates to "uzzle-P-ay"
Grab a friend, and start a conversation! Write a poem or song in pig latin!
ood-G-ay Uck-L-ay!​
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