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DIY Cookbook

This time of year, folks enjoy quality time together along with their favorite foods. What are your traditional recipes? How about gathering them together to share with loved ones?!

Use our template to collect your recipes – and those of friends and family – for a gift that will last all year. Even if you can't be physically together with loved ones, you can come together in your love of cooking. If only food aromas could be texted! 



  1. Download our cookbook cover and recipe page templates

  2. Duplicate and rename "Recipe Sheet_RECIPE NAME_duplicate.pdf" and change the file name to match your recipe. Create as many duplicates as you have recipes for your cookbook.

  3. Open each recipe file and add your information in the text fields.

  4. Save each file.

  5. Open "Cookbook COVER template.pdf." 

  6. Add your information in the text field at the bottom, for instance, "Compiled by Your Name" and save as a pdf "Cookbook COVER_Your Name.pdf"

  7. Go to Edit/Insert/Page from File... Add all files (cover and recipes) using the dropdown or drag and drop them into the folder window. Then arrange them in the order you want them in your cookbook. 

  8. Save your recipe cookbook somewhere easy to access and share with your friends and family!

  9. To print out your recipe book click on the printer icon. In Print panel, selection "All PDF files."


Bon appetite!


Download cookbook templates:


For projects for younger kids, look for Nigel the koala. Projects include:

What's different?, Play portal, and We Puzzle Together for Tots


Star indicates multi-activity project

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This website contains links to YouTube videos and other websites. By setting parental controls you can restrict what your child watches. 

Review activities to be sure they are appropriate for your child. Projects vary in difficulty.


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Contact us for permission for use for additional rights. Resources are for personal, educational, and instructional use only. Many of the illustrations, including Freepik, are sourced through a paid subscription to with licensed use. 


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