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3D doodle2.jpg


Combining things we love – patterns and geometry – this project makes stunning decorations! Doodle all of our six solid shape templates and learn about polygons and platonic solids.

Set of four solid shapes.jpg

This project can be a game or straight-up art project.


  • Colored pencils or markers

  • Paper for color wheel and doodle charts

  • Thicker stock paper for solid shape template 

  • Spinner (or make one with strip of thicker stock paper and round head fastener)

  • Adhesive (glue gun works best but can also use school glue or tape

  • String for hanging solid shape (if desired)


  1. Using colored pencils or markers, fill in the spokes of the color To get a desired color, you may need to combine and overlay colors.

  2.  With a black marker, drawn a pattern in each wheel spoke. A pattern is a design in which lines, shapes, forms or colors are repeated. Patterns can be regular or irregular. Dots in patterns can be different sizes and shapes. Lines can be straight, curved, short, long, dashed, thick or thin. See how many patterns you can come up with!

  3. Cut out the center circle of each wheel and insert the spinner. To make a spinner, cut out a strip of heavy cardboard, punch a hole in it and secure it at one end with a butterfly clip or paper clip. Another option is to use a deck of cards approach (see "Deck of cards version" button below).

  4. From our assortment of three dimensional shapes, select, output and trim a template. If you have a utility blade, lightly and carefully scoring the black lines to get sharp fold edges.

  5. Take turns spinning for a color and a pattern. Using the spun color, draw the spun pattern. There’s no need to exactly copy the pattern – feel free to try something new! When selecting a panel to draw on, try to avoid having the same colors in adjacent panels.

  6. Color in the white sections of the paper with the complementary color. For instance, if you spun red, you’d use green to fill in the white since it’s the color opposite red on the color wheel. For added color theory fun, color in white sections with split complementary colors (two colors placed symmetrically around it). For example, the split complementary colors to red are blue-green, and yellow-green.

  7. Once all the panels are filled in, it’s time to form it into a 3D shape. Decide which corner you want on top for the hanging and glue the twine inside (with the knot inside to keep it from slipping out). 

  8. Glue the tabs to form the 3D shape. You can also tape or glue gun the shape together, depending on what supplies you have available. 

  9. If you’ve done this project with another person, step back and admire your work and the wonder of the variety of solutions. There’s no right or wrong with art, just different approaches!


For projects for younger kids, look for Nigel the koala. Projects include:

What's different?, Play portal, and We Puzzle Together for Tots


Star indicates multi-activity project

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Review activities to be sure they are appropriate for your child. Projects vary in difficulty.

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